Hugo Hadjur - Doctor in Informatics

From September 2020 to July 2023, I worked with the AVALON team from Inria and the LIP Laboratory in ENS de Lyon toward my PhD thesis: “Designing and modeling sustainable, autonomous, smart, and energy efficient Internet of Things systems, applied to precision beekeeping”.

I successfully defended my thesis on July 13th, 2023. My thesis was co-supervised by Laurent Lefèvre and Doreid Ammar.

I am now currently working at Saryga as an AI & Statistical Methodologist.

Research Interests

Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Sustainability in AI and IoT, Data analysis applied to sports, Data visualization

PhD Thesis Research

Listen to the bees! (audio recorded a smart beehive during my PhD)

Deployment of smart beehives
Deployment of smart beehives

Test of the smart beehive system
Test of the smart beehive system

Honey bee beehives and a connected roof
Honey bee beehives and a connected roof

Pictures taken by the system

Bees bringing pollen back inside their hive
Pollen being brought back

A wasp around the entrance
A wasp around the entrance

An Asian hornet around the entrance
An Asian hornet around the entrance